Two most common orthopedic problems to avoid this lockdown

Image Source: Total Orthocare

Back pain is one of the most common orthopedic problems and many people suffer from it. It is often told that you must sit straight otherwise you will develop back pain later on which is true. A bad posture will seriously affect your health if you don’t correct it especially when sitting for a longer duration. Lower back pain is not a disorder but a symptom of several types of medical problems. It usually results from a problem with one or more parts of the lower back, such as ligaments, muscles, nerves and vertebrae: the bony structures that make up the spine.

This pandemic has caused everyone to remain under lockdown and due to this everyone has started working remotely from home itself. So it means we are deprived from the small physical activities that were included in the commuting process. Sitting for long hours in the same position can cause your body to react with pain. Although, back pain can be cured without the need for extensive treatment and over-the-counter pain medications are often sufficient. In more severe cases, stronger treatments may be necessary, but they’re typically provided under close supervision from your orthopedic doctor. Pain relievers, or analgesics are also an option, though they don’t have the anti-inflammatory properties. Never take more than the recommended dose of over-the-counter medications without talking to a doctor, as even these medications may have severe side effects if taken incorrectly.

Another thing to be taken care of if you are physically active is to follow proper guidance on how to exercise properly in order to avoid any injuries. The urge to stay fit is good but sometimes things are taken too far which can cause something unexpected. Due to this lockdown, most of us are trying to workout at home without professional guidance which can lead to some unexpected injuries if not careful. There is an increase in exercise-related injuries as most people are exercising either without proper supervision, or because of not warming up and cooling down before and after the exercise, and also being forced to hurry up in keeping up the pace with the online group classes.

It is important to pay attention in order to avoid two most common orthopedic problems seen during the lockdown which is back pain and exercise related injuries during this lockdown. 

Below are some steps on how you can avoid these common problems with related to your back pain and exercise injuries:

  • Pay attention to your posture. 
  • Try to choose a chair that contours to your spine & ensure that your entire back is supported. 
  • Adjust the height of your chair in order to rest your feet flat on the floor or a footrest. 
  • Remove your phone or wallet from your back pocket.
  • Ensure that the monitor, keyboard, mouse & chair are positioned properly.
  • If you need to write while talking on the phone, use the phone on the speaker or use a headset.
  • Periodically walk around & gently stretch out.
  • Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Start slowly & increase gradually. 
  • Moderate exercise of around 20 minutes three times a week is a good place to start off.
  • Spend adequate time warming up & cooling down. These often neglected aspects of the work out are the most common causes of exercise injuries. 
  • Dress appropriately including having the proper equipment, clothes & shoes. 
  • Listen to your body. No pain, no gain is a fitness myth that has been long busted. If you feel the pain of any sort, stop & discontinue the activity.

Exercise with proper preparation and posture is the key to have a fit body without injuries. It is good to have a ‘keep going’ mindset, however, it is also important to know when to stop. If proper guidance is followed then we can not only keep our body fit but also get rid of any kind of generic pain. 


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